Biography of Robert E. L. Huckabay

1897 marks the date when Mr. Huckabay bought the relinquishment to his present place and since that date he has been one of the progressive and leading farmers of his section. His farm consists of one hundred and sixty acres and lies about two miles north from Westlake.

Mr. Huckabay was born in Lake County, California, on April 15, 1863, being the son of Berry and Sarah (Milton) Huckabay, natives of North Carolina and born on August 28, 1818, and September 26, 1818, respectively. The father was a pioneer in Oregon in 1850, then went to California and in 1873 came to the vicinity of Colfax, where he died in 1891. The mother died on April 4, 1892. Our subject was educated in California and Washington and grew to manhood in the latter place. He remained with his father until the latter’s death and then took full charge of the home estate until 1897, the year of his advent to the reservation country. Since this year, he gave himself to the good work of improvement and has achieved good success in his labors.

On May 3, 1891, Mr. Huckabay married Miss Ida F. Burgess, who died on March 20, 1900. On November 4, 1901, Mr. Huckabay married Miss Barbara, daughter of John and Mary (Miller) Unzicker, who are mentioned in this volume. She has four brothers and six sisters. Mr. Huckabay has the following named brothers and sisters: Oliver, Amelia, Catherine, Adeline, Emeline. Five children were born to the first marriage of Mr. Huckabay, Ethel, deceased, Robert and Edward, twins, Victor, Schuyler, deceased.

Mr. Huckabay is a member of the I. O. O. F., and in political matters is allied with the Democrats.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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