Biography of Renny T. Bofferding

It is our pleasure to now have the privilege to write concerning the estimable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph and who has wrought with a strong hand and enterprising ways in the development of the reservation country and who now has a fine farm, two and one half miles south from Melrose.

Renny J. Bofferding was born in Minneapolis. Minnesota, on November 1, 1864, being the son of John and Willemena (Knapper) Bofferding. The father was a carpenter, born in Luxemburg, Germany, came to America in 1856 and died in 1869. He was a soldier in Germany, and was married and had one child before coming to the United States. His wife was also born in Germany and is still living.

When Renny was one year old, his parents went to Wisconsin and there his father died when this son was five years of age. The older children bore the expenses of the family until all were able to go for themselves. In 1881 our subject went to Iowa and Nebraska and engaged in railroading. The next year he migrated to Idaho and continued railroading on the O. R. & N., with headquarters in Boise. Then he mined in eastern Oregon, doing well. Then he followed saw milling until 1896, the date when he settled on his present place. His farm is well improved and has an orchard of three acres, while he devotes himself to general farming and raising hogs and horses.

Mr. Bofferding has the following brothers and sisters: Anna Dell, Emuel, Louise Weigle, Lucy, and Terese, all in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Mr. Bofferding was reared in the Catholic faith. In the fall of 1902 he received the nomination for County commissioner on the Socialistic ticket. He is an enthusiastic member of that party and active in promulgating the principles which he believes applicable to the questions of the day. Mr. Bofferding has never seen fit to retire from the pleasant and quiet life of the bachelor and is a man who receives the respect and esteem of all who know him.
Minert, Frederick M.

As a substantial and loyal citizen, an upright and intelligent man, a successful operator in the sawmill business and a good farmer and stockman, the subject of this article is deserving of representation in the history of his County and we accord him such with pleasure.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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