Biography of George M. Henderson

A leading and successful business man in Culdesac, a man of excellent capabilities, and withal a pioneer of the west and one who has wrought with faithfulness in many places and avocations, the subject of this article is eminently fitted for representation in the history of his County.

George M. Henderson was born in Appanoose County, Iowa, on August 10, 1857, being the son of John A. and Matilda J. (York) Henderson. The mother died in 1863. Our subject remained on the farm until eighteen years old, having been educated in the public schools. He then learned the trade of the engineer and several years later came across the plains with his father and brother. They wintered in Boise valley where their cattle died and they traded one cart for a sack of flour. In the spring they went to Idaho City and there the father did well on the purchase of some mining property. A few years later they came to Walla Walla and there the father was sick for some time. He made several trips to the east and on July 28, 1897, he died.

Our subject followed engineering in Walla Walla and later bought a farm near Dayton. He sold a couple of years later and went to Walla Walla, later returned to Dayton and was deputy sheriff under J. H. Hosier. When the Nez Perces war broke out he participated in quelling the savages. After that he went to Whitman County and remained there until 1900, when he came to Clarkston, Washington, and for one year operated a bus and feed stable. Then in July, 1901, he came to Culdesac, opened a furniture store, where we find him at the present time doing a good business.

Mr. Henderson married Miss Mattie E. Benge, who was born in Davis County, Iowa, on January 14, 1859. Her parents were Dr. Louis W. and Cynthia Ann (Sheffer) Benge. The family came to the Walla Walla valley in .September, 1862, settling on the Oregon side. The father operated a farm and practiced medicine and was County commissioner several terms. There were three boys and three girls in the family besides Mrs. Henderson. Mr. Henderson is a Democrat and active in political matters. He is a member of the W. W., Camp No. 230 of Johnson, Washington, while his wife is a member of the Ladies Circle of this order, at the same place. To Mr. and Mrs. Henderson have born three children, Eva L., Charles B. and Claude R.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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