Biography of George H. Ruddell

Thirteen miles southeast from Lewiston is the estate of four hundred acres which is the home place of the subject of this article. It is a valuable farm and is handled with the enterprising skill and assiduity of Mr. Ruddell, which insures him annual dividends of handsome returns in crops and stock. He is an excellent man, a good citizen, an advocate of good government and schools and is popular and stands well.

George H. was born in Chariton County, Missouri, on May 26, 1866, being the son of John D. and Urilla M. (Nichols) Ruddell. The father was a farmer and a leading man in his County. He was County assessor, a Democrat and active for the welfare of the County. He was born in Illinois in 1834 and died in 1876. He had served in the Civil War, being four years under Grant. He enlisted in the Fiftieth Illinois as lieutenant and was promoted to a captaincy. The mother was born in Illinois in 1847 and lives there now. The parents came to Missouri in April. 1866, and George was born the next month.

He attended school and worked at home until seventeen and then went to live with his grandparents, Nichols, in Ursa. Adams County, Illinois. Three years were spent there and then he came west. October 15, 1885, was the date when he landed in Lewiston and went to work on a farm for wages, remaining two years and then in company with his brother William rented a farm for three years more. They then bought land on Waha prairie and four years were spent in its culture when they sold out and rented again. He then bought his present place of four hundred acres.

In November 18, 1896, in Nez Perces County, Mr. Ruddell married Miss Edith A., daughter of Isaac and Precilla Mounce, natives respectively of Indiana and Ohio. The father is a pioneer of the state and a farmer. Mrs. Ruddell was born in Iowa in 1875 and has the following named brothers and sisters, Hattie Ruddell, Tiara Goodnight, Eben Smith and Lafayette. Mr. Ruddell has the following named brothers and sisters, James N., John D., William L., Harry L., Mattie A. Lamb. To Mr. and Mrs. Ruddell have been born two children, Lloyd H., five years old; Kenneth D., four months of age, deceased.

Mr. Ruddell is a member of the K. of P. and M. W. A. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church and are highly respected people and valuable members of society.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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