Biography of George P. Dale

Charles and George Dale and are two of the well known citizens of the vicinity of Leland, having a ranch in company adjoining the town on the west. They have one hundred and twenty acres and utilize it mostly in raising wheat, but handle about ten acres to orchard. They are expecting to go more extensively to raising hogs, as it seems wise to feed as much of the grain as possible to stock.

On March 6, 1895, Mr. Dale married Miss Edith, daughter of Oxford B. and Adelia (Perkins) Owens. She was born in Pendleton in 1876 and the wedding occurred in Sprague. Mr. Owens crossed the plains with ox teams in 1849 to California and died in Pendleton in 1894. He was a prominent stock man there and had suffered great hardship in the Indian troubles. Mrs. Dale has one brother, George, in the U. S. army in the Philippines; and one sister, Lenore, wife of W. E. Lloyd, in Lewiston. Three children have been born to this marriage, George P., Bradford G., and William. Mr. Dale is a member of the K. P., Kendrick Lodge No. 23, and of the I. O. O. F. Juliaetfe. Lodge No. 45. Mrs. Dale is a member of the Methodist Church. She was a graduate of the high school in Pendleton and was a compositor on the East Oregonian.

George P. Dale enlisted in the Civil war on January 5, 1863, being in Company G, First Regular Maryland Infantry, under Captain I. H. Stonebreaker. He was discharged July 2, 1865, having fought in the principal battles between those dates. He was at the second Bull Run and in the siege of Vicksburg and was wounded several times, but never left the front although shot through the hand. He left the war broken in health and has been much incapacitated by his arduous labors and rigorous service.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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