Biography of Elmer Weeks

Among the younger men of the reservation country whose labors have been worthy and wisely bestowed, we should mention the subject of this article, and it is with pleasure that we grant him space in the count v history.

Elmer Weeks was born in Nebraska on June 27, 1874, being the son of George and Gertrude (Tetly) Weeks, natives of Norway, but immigrants to the United States when young. The family went to Clay County, South Dakota, in the seventies and in the Centennial year they all journeyed to Moscow, where the parents are still living. They have had eight children: Mrs. Nellie Madison, deceased: Elmer; Joseph; Mrs. Clara Clark; Granford, deceased; George; Emma M.: Alma G. In 1895 Mr. Weeks came among the very first and secured his present claim on the reservation. It lies less than a mile southeast from Dublin and is well improved, thus manifesting the industry and wisdom of the owner.

On October 23, 1898, Mr. Weeks was married to Miss Elva, daughter of James and Lucetta Crawford. The father was born in Daviess County, Indiana, on January 30, 1841, and the mother was born in Carroll County, Indiana, on October 2, 1843. He was raised in Madison County, Iowa, and she was raised in Guthrie County, Iowa. In 1865 they both crossed the plains with ox teams and on this trip, being in the same train, they became acquainted and were married in Marion County, Oregon, after the trip. The journey was attended with considerable danger from the Indians, and many fights with them occurred on the way, some of the immigrants being wounded. They removed to Dayton, Washington, in 1873, and there in 1878, March 1. Mrs. Weeks was born. In 1891 the family removed to Latah County. Ten children were in this family, Samuel M., William L., Mary B., deceased, Mrs. Anna L. Haroke, James N., Mrs. Elva Weeks, Abner A., Joseph F., John E., Celia Flo. Mrs. Crawford died on April 26, 1898. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, Lester E., born July 29, 1900; Franklin E., born March 14, 1902.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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