Biography of Elmer D. Nichols

Elmer D. Nichols is one of the younger men of Nez Perces County, but is also one of the pioneers, having come here with his parents when he was but one year of age, thus spending his life largely within its precincts and always being one of the men whose labors have resulted in the up building and advancement of Nez Perces County.

Elmer D. Nichols was born in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, on May 22, 1875, being the son of George and Amanda (Rosecrans) Nichols. The father was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, on October 12, 1850, and died in 1887. He farmed, then taught school for ten years and then practiced medicine and farmed until the time of his death. The mother was born in Wisconsin on April 29, 1852, and now lives in Latah County.

Our subject was educated in the common schools of Nez Perces County, in that portion which is now Latah County, and also spent one year in Clairmont College, in California. At his father’s death, being then twelve and the oldest of the family, he took charge of the farm, located on Thorn creek, Latah County, and operated it until he was twenty-four. At that age he bought a farm on the Clearwater River, near Lewiston, on which was the Central ferry. He did a general farming business and operated the ferry until July, 1902 when he sold out and retired to Lewiston having property in that town.

On January 17. 1897, Mr. Nichols married Miss Ella A., daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Cole. The wedding occurred in Nez Perces County. Mrs. Nichols was born in Kossuth County, Iowa, on April 2, 1879, and came with her parents to Idaho in 1885. She has the following brothers and sisters: Jennie, wife of William Bower, at Avon, Latah County; Leonard, at Wardner, Idaho: Bertha, Matie, Roy, Edna and Lillie, all at Kendrick. Mr. Nichols has the following named brothers and sisters: Mark and Ray, in Latah County; Eveline, in Los Angeles, California; Warren, in Wardner; Leon and Milton, in Latah County. To Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have been born the following children: Elora, four years old; Delano, two years old.

Mr. Nichols is a member of the VV. of W. He is a Republican and takes an active interest in the affairs of state and County. Mr. Nichols is a warm advocate of good schools and in fact is always favoring advancement and progress.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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