Biography of Nels P. Skow

This intelligent and industrious farmer and stockman of the reservation country is one who has done his share in the good work of improvement and opening up of the country and he is entitled to a consideration in his County’s history.

Nels P. Skow was born in Denmark, on September 13, 1857, being the son of Peter and Catrine Skow, natives of Denmark, and died in 1894 and 1895, respectively. Nels grew to manhood in the native country and was educated in the common schools.

At the age of twenty he came to the United States and settled in Minnesota. He railroaded there for three years and then went to Canada and did the same work until 1886, when he made his way to Portland. Oregon. There and in the Sound country he railroaded and later went to farming in Stevens County. Washington. He was defrauded out of Iris honest earnings there after eight years of hard toil.

In 1896 he came to the reservation country and took his present place, four miles southeast from Melrose. This has been the scene of his labors and plans since, and he now has a fine farm all under cultivation, good buildings, fordable residence and a goodly holding of stock.

On October 22, 1894, Mr. Skow married Mary A. Curry, daughter of Matthew and Elsie (Walker) Curry, natives of Scotland. One son has been born to this union. Nels. By a former marriage Mrs. Skow has two children, Elsie and Bernice. Mrs. Skow was born in Ashland County, Ohio, in 1868, and has four brothers and two sisters, Theodore, Maggie Marion, William, Matthew, Elsie and Earl.

Mr. Skow has the following named brothers and sisters: Peter, Samuel, Bertie, Catherine and Elsie. They are both members of the Methodist Church and hearty supporters of their faith. In political matters they are both Republicans and intelligent in’ the questions of the day and also actively interested in the advancement of the welfare of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Skow are respected and influential people.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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