Biography of Nathaniel Wilson

Among the very first ones who settled on the reservation, our subject has the place of the real pioneer in this section and as such we accord him space in the history of Nez Perces County. On November 19, 1895, Mr. Wilson filed on his present place, two miles east from Ilo, where he has done commendable labor in developing the country.

Nathaniel Wilson was born in Sullivan County, Missouri, on October 11, 1867, being the son of Enos and Martha (Norton) Wilson. The father was born in Ohio in 1824 and now lives in Elgin, Oregon. He fought in the Civil War, was a pioneer in Red Cloud, Nebraska, when there was not a house in sight of his dwelling. The mother was born in Tennessee in 1835 and died in 1894. The family removed from Missouri to Webster County, Nebraska, where the father took land and farmed. Nathaniel then being seven years old.

Our subject grew to young manhood, received his education in the common schools and they all went to Rollins County, Kansas. After that he went to do for himself and was in that state and in Nebraska until 1889, when in company with his brother Albert he crossed the plains with wagons and settled on the big Potlatch, in Nez Perces County. Later he went to Genesee and then spent a year in the Gem mine in the Coeur d’Alene country. Then Mr. Wilson visited California, after which we see him in Nez Perces County, again living near Genesee. In the fall of 1895, as stated above, he came to the opening of the reservation and selected his present place. He has done diversified fanning business since that time, and also devotes much attention to raising stock. He has some excellent draft horses, the lightest one weighing fourteen hundred pounds. Mr. Wilson also has some fine hogs.

His brothers and sisters are named as follows: Malhalia, Esther, James M., Albert, Harvey, Minnie and Edith A.

Mr. Wilson is a member of the I. O. O. F., at Ilo. He is a Democrat and is always at the conventions and caucuses. The convention at Lewiston honored him with the nomination of County commissioner in the second district. He has often been desired to take the position of school trustee, but refuses. He has labored for good schools and has donated much for them. Mr. Wilson has never left the ranks of bachelordom, but is still enjoying its quietness. He is a man of excellent standing and has both the good will and confidence of the people.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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