Biography of Joseph Harr

Joseph Harr is one of the most substantial and capable men in the vicinity of Summit and is one of the worthy men whose labors have made Nez Perces County what it is at the present time, one of the leading counties in the state. He is a man of integrity, uprightness, and is held in esteem and highly respected by all who know him.

Joseph Harr was born in Butter County, Ohio, on May 18, 1853, being the son of Joseph and Margaret (Curry) Harr, farmers of that state. Joseph received a common schooling and made the best of his opportunities to gain knowledge. He has always been a studious man and very observing and the result is that he is well posted and an influential and leading citizen.

In 1875 he left home and migrated to Coles County, Illinois, where he rented land for eight years. Then a move was made to Minor County, South Dakota, where a brother had preceded him and five years were spent there on a homestead. For one year he resided in Nebraska and then he came to Moscow and when the reservation opened he sold the property that he had acquired in Moscow and settled on his present place, one and one half miles west from Summit.

He has a good farm of one quarter section and he rents as much more, raising the cereals and also handling considerable stock. In 1900 he sold nine hundred and thirty dollars worth of hogs and in 1902 he sold nearly as many. Thus it will be seen that from this single product of the farm that Mr. Harr is a thrifty and capable farmer. He was one of the two first settlers in his section and he directed the building of the first school house in his district. No. 3 he is chairman of the board now and has always taken a great interest in educational matters.

On April11, 1877, Mr. Harr married Miss Lavina daughter of James Q. and Lucinda (Wright) Sair, natives of Ohio, and of German descent. Mrs. Harr was born in Vinton County, Ohio. To this happy marriage were born six children: Charles, Hattie B., Harry, Mabel, Elmer and Walter. Mrs. Harr has since been called away from her pleasant home and loving family by the cold hand of death.

Mr. Harr has the following brothers: John W., William H., Jackson. He has two half brothers, Charles and G. W. Smith. Also Mr. Harr has two half sisters: Laura, wife of Eli Gerard: Lizzie, wife of Butler Gerard, a cousin of Eli. Mr. Harr is a Democrat in politics but never desirous of personal preferment, always allowing the emoluments of office to be given to another and is contented with the quiet of private life. He is a man of excellent qualities and has the good will of all.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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