Biography of Joseph A. Thompson

Almost every state in the Union has her representation in the reservation country and this cosmopolitan population is one of the reasons why such progression and prosperity has been brought about here. From Illinois hails the subject of this sketch and in Mercer County, on January 21, 1862, he first saw the light. His parents were Ephraim and Elizabeth (Neeley) Thompson. In the fall of 1865 they all removed to Boone County, Iowa, and as the father was a farmer our subject early experienced the invigorating exercise of the agriculturist while his education was gained meantime from the adjacent public schools.

In 1887, Mr. Thompson went to Oakland County, Michigan, and on January 19, he married Miss Minnie E., daughter of Samuel and Mary (Truesdell) Martin, natives of Philadelphia and Oakland County, Michigan, respectively. She was born October 10. 1864. Mr. Martin served as a corporal three and one half years in the Civil war, being in the Twenty-second Infantry and the Eighth Cavalry of Michigan. He is now a member of the G. A. R. in Detroit, while he and his wife are living a retired life in McComb County, Michigan. On March 6, 1897, Mr. Thompson landed in Juliaetta and on the tenth of the same month he arrived in Nez Perce, having made the trip from Juliaetta in snow and rain and mud, with much hardship and attendant labor. He selected his present place, about two miles east from Nez Perce and bought the relinquishment from another man. He has since that time been steadily pursuing the worthy path of improvement and in making a fine home. His first crop was twenty-eight bushels per acre but now he has as large yields as any in this section. The farm is supplied with all improvements necessary, a good residence, substantial barn and other outbuildings. Mr. Thompson handles some cattle and does diversified farming.

He is a member of the I. O. O. F., while lie and his wife are members of the Rebekahs, all in Nez Perce. Mr. Thompson is also a member of the M. W. A., being a popular associate in these relations as he is also in general. He is a man of integrity and is of excellent standing among the people of the community.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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