Biography of Jasper N. Mounce

An estate of eight hundred acres, well tilled, fenced and cared for, embellished with a first class orchard, an imposing ten room house of modern architectural design, commodious barn and ail out buildings needed on such an estate, such is the attractive and valuable home place of the subject of this sketch. It is situated sixteen miles southeast from Lewiston and is one of the most valuable places in the County.

On September 30, 1879, Mr. Mounce came to Nez Perces County and took a portion of this place as homestead and preemption, paying the former settler well for this right. Thus he is one of the old pioneers. He came with four hundred and fifty dollars and the first winter spent it all through sickness. Since that time he has labored steadily and wisely here and the grand showing he has made demonstrates his ability and skill.

It will be pleasant to note the details of the domestic life of our subject. We see that he was born in Linn County, Iowa, on June 12, 1855, being the son of Joseph W. and Christiana (Shoe) Mounce. The father was a farmer, born in Ohio, in 1818 and died in 1864. His grandmother lived to be over eighty but his grandfather died aged sixty, they both being early pioneers to Iowa. The mother of our subject was born in German}, in 1827, came to America when five years of age and died in 1874. Jasper N. started out in life for himself when thirteen. He worked for an uncle for two years and when sixteen went to Utah. He freighted ore, logged and worked in a saw mill, drove cattle, and then mined in the Hidden Treasure. Two years in this latter place and then he went to Nevada, returning to the same mine and later he went to Iowa. Two years later he came to Nez Perces County, as mentioned above, and the unbounded success that he has achieved here stamps him as a capable and wise man.

In Linn County, Iowa, May 22, 1878, Mr. Mounce married Emma, daughter of John W. and Elizabeth S. (Newman) McLeod. The father was a farmer, born in North Carolina, on February 24, 1829, and died in T883. The mother was born in Kentucky, on March 18, 1835, and died in 1883. Mrs. Mounce was born in Linn County, Iowa, on September 13. i860, and has the following brothers and sisters. Nancy J., David A., deceased, William T., Amanda E., deceased, James N., Micha J., and Eunice N. Among her ancestors was Norman McLeod of Scotland, a minister, whose sermons were so favored by the Queen of England. On her mother’s side of the house, a descendant of Thomas Benton, the state senator and father of Jessie Fremont Benton, the noted writer. Mr. Mounce was one of the following named children, Malan D., killed in the Civil War at Springfield, Missouri, when seventeen; Francis M., Artensa J., Margaret C, Arthalinda, deceased, Christopher C, deceased, Adusta, deceased, Nancy M., Vesta A., Americus V., Goldsbery, and Joseph W. To Mr. and Mrs. Mounce, there have been born the following named children, Earl, Nyda, Owen, mention of whom is made farther on in this article; Wayne, attending State Normal school; Mabel, who has excelled in music; Blanche, at home.

Mr. Mounce is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He is an active Democrat and a potent influence in political matters, but he has never accepted preferment for himself. Mr. and Mrs. Mounce each had uncles in the Civil War.

We wish to mention in this connection the remarkable career of the son Owen. He has achieved a success at the age of eighteen that few have gained even after a lifelong effort. Last year he gained fifteen thousand dollars for his services in riding race horses. He stands at the head in this line. He has even surpassed Todd Sloane, and there is but one rider in the world, who can in any way claim to be in the lead. Owen rode for August Belmont last year and the California Jockey Club presented him with a beautiful and costly whip. He won last year more stakes than all eastern riders and all other American boys that ride in England. He won in actual count, one hundred and thirty-one races in the winter of 1900 and 1901. At this present writing, he is visiting at home and he has earned his success in meritorious and hard labor. Nez Perces County is to be congratulated upon having this successful young man in her precincts.

Our subject has built a ten room house in Lewiston and will move his family there, for the benefit of schools.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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