Biography of G. E. Pribble

While the time of the residence of our subject in Nez Perces County has been rather brief, still he has so identified himself with the interests of the County that he is justly entitled to representation in its history as one of the stanch and commendable laborers for its up building and advancement.

G. E. Pribble was born in Greensburg, Indiana, on September 1, 1867, being the son of John W. and Susan (Scontz) Pribble. The father was born in Clermont County. Ohio, in January, 1837, was a pioneer 111 Montgomery County, Iowa, and now is a retired farmer in Red Oak, Iowa. The mother was born in southeastern Indiana, in 1847, he and is living at the home place in Red Oak. The family came to Iowa when our subject was four years old, engaged in farming and raising stock on a large scale and did well.

Our subject grew to manhood in Iowa and was educated in Shenandoah College. Completing his education, he went industriously to farming and later spent two years in carriage painting. About the time of his majority he went to the San Luis valley, Colorado, and took land. He had a half section under irrigation there and remained four years. Selling out after a successful venture, he went to Carbon, Wyoming, and took up the coal business. Three years later he returned to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and took the position of shipping clerk and later that of foreman of a warehouse. In 1901 Mr. Pribble came to the Big Bend country, in Washington, and in April, 1902, he came to Peck and bought a half interest in the ferry plying to the station on the north of the Clearwater, which has proved a good investment. Mr. Pribble intend to soon take up some other business with this.

On December 23, 1888, in Corning, Iowa. Mr. Pribble married Miss Jessie L., daughter of Charles F. and Emma (Archer) Lathrop. The father is a jeweler and was born in Wisconsin. He held the office of sheriff and other positions of trust in Iowa and was a pioneer in Nebraska. His wife was born in Michigan and her parents are living in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mrs. Pribble was born in Delaware County, Iowa, on May 21. 1872; she finished her education in the high school and was also accomplished in music, having given instruction in that branch for years. She has two brothers and two sisters, William and Ernest, in Iowa: Bertha Vredenburg and Maude, both in Iowa. Mr. Pribble has one brother, Ira A., living in Salina, Kansas, being a traveling salesman for the Union Pacific Coal Company, of Omaha.

Mr. Pribble is a member of the Brotherhood of American Yeomen and his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Politically, our subject is a staunch Democrat and active in that arena. His father was rejected from the war on account of being a cripple, but his wife’s father served in the war.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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