Biography of Herbert B. Smith

The town of Lewiston and the traveling public of the northwest need no introduction to the capable and entertaining gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article, being the proprietor of the Grand Hotel, one of the most popular hostelries in the state of Idaho, and justly deserving of its standing on account of the excellent manner in which it is conducted by its skillful and affable proprietor.

Mr. Smith was born in Vernon County, Missouri, near Nevada City, on October 30, 1872, being the son of Hiram R. and Sarah J. (Salmon) Smith. The father was a farmer and died in February, 1873, and the mother died in 1893. Shortly after the father’s death the family removed to Pike County, Illinois, settling on a farm near New Canton, which the older brothers tilled.

Our subject attended school and assisted his brothers in the care of the farm, remaining there until 1880. Then he came to the west, settling at Sprague, Washington, taking up the restaurant business. In 1895 he went to Trail. British Columbia.

In 1S98 Mr. Smith came to Lewiston and opened the Model restaurant in partnership with his brother Hiram R. They did a good business until 1901, when the entire property was destroyed by fire. On the fifth day of June, in the same year, Mr. Smith opened the Grand restaurant and afterward the Grand Hotel. The establishment is conducted on the European plan and has thirty-seven sleeping apartments; the cuisine is unexcelled, as is also the service of the entire house.

On November 25, 1897, at Trail, occurred the marriage of Mr. Smith and Miss Myrtle, daughter of James and Nettie (Merrick) Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs was a farmer, born in New York State in 1846, and the mother in Iowa in 1856: both are in the mining country of British Columbia. Mrs. Smith was born in Delaware County. Iowa, on November 10, 1876, was educated in the common schools and came west with her parents in 1883. She has the following named brothers and sisters: Irving W, Grace, Reece and Blanche. The brothers and sisters of Mr. Smith are named below: Wesley Acres, a half brother, George A., a half brother, Seldon Smith, Robert, Hiram and Ella (Acres) Eakin.

Mr. Smith is a member of the K. of P., the M. W. A., and the W. of W. He is allied with the Republican Party and is one of the leading business men of Lewiston, being capable, upright and possessed of sterling qualities.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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