Biography of Hiram E. Church

It is with pleasure that we are enabled to accord the representative and prominent farmer and stockman, whose name is at the head of this article, a review in the history of his County, since he is one of the most prosperous men of the County, being a heavy property owner and a skillful handler of stock, having one of the most productive farms in the County, while in his private walk he is a man who has won the esteem and confidence of all, being of sound principles, and faithful.

Mr. Church was born in Walworth County, Wisconsin, on October 6, 1847, being the son of Cyrus and Emeline (Russell) Church. The father was a prominent farmer of that County, and there the mother died in 1854, but the father married again and lived there until January 7, 1900, being at that time in his eighty-third year, and they both rest in the cemetery at the home place. The children of the family were six boys and two girls.

Our subject was educated at the schools in his native place, and for twenty-two years remained with his father, then started in the battle of life for himself. He went to southwestern Missouri, purchased a farm and wrought there for a decade and then came west to Genesee. He purchased land where he now lives, three miles south of Genesee, having now about four hundred acres of fine, rich land. His brother, who is mentioned in this work, owns about the same amount adjoining and they operate this large amount of land in partnership, handling as high as twelve thousand bushels as one year’s crop. Our subject has his farm well improved and good, substantial and commodious buildings erected, while also they together own a large herd of stock. Mr. Church has an orchard of twelve acres, and he raises abundant returns of fruits of all kinds. Mr. Church states that this is the most productive country that he has ever seen, and feels assured that one would have to search long and far before another as good section could be found.

Mr. Church is a man of good ability, has made a fine success in his business affairs, has maintained an unsullied reputation, and is one of the wise, substantial, and leading citizens of Nez Perces County.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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