Biography of Erick Hendrickson

This loyal and intelligent citizen is one of the men whose labors have resulted in the development of the County and he has done good work in the vicinity of Lewiston for some time. At the present time he is in charge of Mr. Slasher’s farm and fruit ranch five miles east from Lewiston.

Mr. Hendrickson was born in Sweden, on September 22, 1864, being the son of Hendrick Hendrickson, who was born in Sweden on March 12, 1830, and is still a farmer in his native land. The mother was born in 1829 and died in 1876, while Erick was but a small lad. He labored diligently on the farm with his father and secured his education from the schools of his native place and when he was twenty-two, he was determined, from the information he had read of the United States and its opportunities, to come hither.

Accordingly, he severed the ties that bound him to home and native land, bade his kindred and friends farewell and came to New York. Thence he made his way to Pomeroy, Washington. He harvested the first year and then leased a saw mill, which he operated one year in the Blue Mountains, after which he came to Lewiston and went to work for Mr. Porter. He operated the engine in his saw mill and attended to the fruit in its season. He continued in this for five years and made some money. Next we see him operating Mr. Isaman’s fruit ranch, and in 1901, he took charge of Mr. Slasher’s fruit farm, where he is at the present time. Mr. Hendrickson is skilled in the care of orchards and makes a fine success of the same.

Mr. Hendrickson has the following brothers and sisters, Carl, in Minnesota; Anders, in Sweden; Marie in Minnesota. He is a member of the W. of W., at Lewiston. In political matters, Mr. Hendrickson is a Republican and always takes the proper interest in these matters. He owned some land near Porter, but sold it to Mr. Isaman.

Mr. Hendrickson is an intelligent and industrious man and enjoys the confidence of all who know him.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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