Biography of Edward S. Hegel

About six miles northwest from Morrow is the home place of our subject, which was secured by homestead right on June 7. 1897. Since that time, Mr. Hegel has devoted himself to improving the farm and building up the country. He’s a man of industry and worth and is entitled to and receives the esteem of all.

Edward S. Hegel was born in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin, on May 24, 1869. His father, John F., who was born October 1818, in Baden, Germany, was a plasterer and mason. He served in the confederate army under Price and Johnston. He married Eliza J. Folt.

Edward S. worked for his father until he was fifteen, then went to Portland remaining three years. Next we see him at Ellensburg. Washington, and later was in the Okanogan country. He was also at Hunter, the same state, where he was occupied in raising stock with his brother for five years. Selling out he went to Palouse country and fanned for two years. At the date mentioned he took his present place and is fast bringing it all under tribute by cultivation.

Mr. Hegel married Miss Cordelia, daughter of George W. and Carry S. Wayne, who are mentioned in this volume. Mrs. Hegel was born in Silverton, Oregon, on December 10, 1877. Mr. Hegel’s father manufactured the first brick made in Ellensburg and in North Yakima and later burned the first kiln in the Okanogan country. He died in 1896. Our subject was school director and is actively interested in good schools and general progress.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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