Biography of Edward G. Williams

Two and one half miles northeast from Lapwai is the quarter section where is located the family home of the subject of this article. He has improved the land in a very praiseworthy manner, having good buildings and an orchard of two thousand trees. It is quite appropriate that this history should contain a biographical account of this worthy citizen, and therefore we append for the perusal of all some of the details of his career.

Edward G. Williams was born in Sangamon County, Illinois, on August 16, 1857, being the son of Isaiah B. and Phoebe (Baker) Williams. The father, who was a farmer, born in Ohio in 1810, died in 1901, participated in the Black Hawk war. The mother was born in Kentucky in 1817 and died in 1892. Her people were pioneers in Kentucky.

Edward worked on a farm and attended school until young manhood’s estate was reached. At his majority he started for himself. He bought land and lived there until 1883. Then he removed to Sumner County, Kansas, bought land near Belleplaine and farmed for four years. Next we see him in Prairie County, Arkansas, and two years later he returned to Sangamon County, Illinois. Five years were spent there, and then he went to Iowa, remaining three years. In March, 1897, he came to Juliaetta. Idaho, and the next year purchased a man’s right to a homestead, where he now lives.

In Illinois, on December 25, 1879, Mr. Williams married Miss Sarah J., daughter of Gilbert and Delilah Hatler, natives of Kentucky and Illinois, respectively. Mrs. Williams was also born in Illinois. She has three sisters and one brother, – Josephine, Emaline, Albert and Daisy. Mr. Williams has the following named brothers and sisters: Susan, Mary, James H. Hattie, Mattie. Amos S., Sanford, Abraham. To Mr. and Mrs. Williams there have been born six children: Lola, Ethel, Homer, Murray, Alvin and Marie.

Mrs. Williams is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Williams is a strong Republican and attends the conventions and primaries and always takes an active part in local matters. He advocates good schools and is a public minded citizen allied on the side of progress and advancement.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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