Biography of Clara J. Thompson

The ones who have the enterprise and wisdom to handle the resources of the fertile regions of the reservation country are the ones who deserve mention in the history that chronicles the annals of the country and surely then, the worthy lady mentioned above is entitled to this place.

Mrs. Clara J. Thompson was born in Lee County, Iowa, on February 9, 1860, and her parents were Enos and Mary A. (Marshall) Puckett. The father was born in Ohio, in 1834, and now lives in Lawrence, Kansas. He has labored long and faithfully in the gospel in the Quaker church. The mother of our subject was born in Indiana, in 1833, and died on January 31, 1900. When Mrs. Thompson was seven years old the family went to Adair County, Missouri, and three years later returned to Iowa. After three years of residence in Mills County a move was made to Plattsmouth, Nebraska, whence one year later, they returned to Iowa. Two years more in the Hawkeye state and they all went to Jewell County, Kansas.

On March 15, 1885, our subject was married to Robert Thompson and three sons were born to this union, Harry W., Benjamin R., and William H. all with their mother. One year after the marriage. Mrs. Thompson came to the vicinity of Guy, Washington, and remained there sixteen years.

In the spring of 1902 she came to her present place, three and one half miles northeast from Gifford. She bought a fine farm, and with her sons she is handling it in a very skillful manner. The estate is provided with seven springs of fine water, is improved with good buildings and lies in a commanding position. Annually this land produces excellent returns of grains, fruits and vegetables. Mrs. Thompson has taken a divorce from Mr. Thompson.

When thirteen, Mrs. Thompson united with the Methodist Church and now is a member of the United Brethren Church. She takes an interest in the affairs of the County and votes the Prohibition ticket. She is preparing to send her boys to college as soon as their age will warrant, and in every respect Mrs. Thompson is a progressive and wise woman and is secure in the esteem of all who know her.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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