Biography of Christopher C. Miller

The home of our subject is about six miles west from Nez Perce and is one of the promising farms of the section, having been taken from the raw by homestead right and brought to its present state of cultivation and improvement by the arduous and careful labor of Mr. Miller, whose industry, thrift, integrity and uprightness have been patent to all.

Christopher C. Miller was born in Mercer County, Illinois, on June 30, 1842, being the son of George and Elizabeth (Hyatt) Miller, natives of Indiana. In 1847 the family came across the plains with ox teams in a large train captained by Jonathan Mulkey. Some trouble was experienced with the Indians and when they came to The Dalles, Mr. Miller floated his family and their goods down the Columbia and up the Willamette to Oregon City in Indian canoes. Arriving in Oregon City without means, he was confronted with the proposition of caring for a family of ten children, of which our subject was the eighth: the first venture was to cut the tents up and make clothes for the little ones. He soon went to California in the mining excitement and in 1851 moved to Lane County, where he died in 1853.

Our subject remained with his mother until her death, and on December 27, 1872, he was married to Sarah, daughter of James and Elizabeth Lee, who came across the plains in 1863 from Missouri, in which state Mrs. Miller was born. Settlement was made in Lane County, where the father died, the mother having passed away in Missouri. Our subject remained on the old donation claim until 1878 and then came to the vicinity of Dayton, Washington, whence he removed to Pomeroy in 1880. He followed farming and raising stock until 1898 and then located his place and the result of his labors since that time is apparent in the excellent holding that he has wrought out, as he came here with very little capital and all he now possesses is the result of his wise labors. A good windmill with a well one hundred and twelve feet deep, orchard, shrubbery, garden and buildings are among the improvements in evidence.

The following named children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Miller: Dora, wife of Buel Abies, near Mohier; Elizabeth, wife of F. Morgan, in Garfield County; Clara J., wife of Lewis Harris, in the vicinity of Nezperce: Nellie, wife of Wilber Rawnsley, near Nez Perce; Annie, deceased; Nettie: Bessie, deceased; John and George.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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