This rising young attorney promises to place himself among the leaders in his profession in the near future as he has displayed great aptness and ability in the profession. At the present time he is a member of the firm of Stearns & Thomas, which handles a general loaning, real estate, insurance, and law business in Nez Perce.
Charles D. Thomas was born in Danbury, Iowa, on January 7, 1871, being the son of Daniel and Mary (Smith) Thomas, natives of New York and Ohio and born in 1830 and in 1837, respectively. When Charles was young he came with his parents to Moscow and there he attended the public schools and in 1890 he graduated from the Hillsdale College at Hillsdale, Michigan. Returning to Idaho, he took up the work of the educator and for three years he was assistant principal of the Genesee schools.
In July, 1901 Mr. Thomas entered into partnership with Judge Stearns and since that time has steadily pursued the study of the law, which he had followed in his teaching. Mr. Thomas has one brother and three sisters, Frank B., at Colville, Washington, in tin building business: Lovina, wife of Melvin Chapman, at Waterville, Washington, raising stock; Ida, wife of Scott Dennison, a farmer at Colville: Alice, wife of Alonzo Horn, a railroad man of Moscow.
On April 18, 1893. Mr. Thomas married .Miss Dora R., daughter of Allen and Rachel (Robertson) Bond,, natives of Virginia, and now living in Irving. Oregon. Mrs. Thomas has the following brothers and sisters: Lincoln, merchant in Irving. Oregon: Edward, a merchant at Baker City; James, a farmer at Irving; Frank, a railroad man at Irving: Mary, wife of A. J. Green, an attorney at Moscow; Helen, wife of James Ebert, a farmer near Eugene, Oregon; Clara, wife of J. D. Spencer, a farmer near Irving; Daisy, wife of Charles Minkler, railroad conductor at Portland. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Vesta D., Reginald F., aged six and four, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are members of the Christian Church. He is a member also of the I. O. O. F. Morning Star Lodge, at Nez Perce; of the K. O. T. M., Nez Perce Tent; of the M. W. A., of Nez Perce; of the Yeoman of America, at Nez Perce.
Mr. Thomas is an active Republican and has done good service in the county and state conventions. He is a bright, cultured and capable young man and he is the recipient of the good will and esteem of all who know him.
It is an interesting reminiscence that Mrs. Thomas is one of a family of eight children, all of whom were born and married in the old family home in Irving, Oregon.
In 1902 he was nominated by the Republican Party as candidate to the state legislature and was elected by a large majority, receiving two hundred and forty-three votes in his own precinct. He was also a member of the seventh session.
Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903