Biography of Charles Dowd

This enterprising young gentleman is a native of the Occident, being born in Pierce City, on June 7, 1870. He is now one of the most substantial farmers and stockmen of Nez Perces County and resides on his fine estate of five hundred and sixty acres, which he owns in partnership with his brother Matthew. This land is located about eight miles southeast from Lewiston and is favored in that five artesian wells flow constantly there, making it very valuable. He raises large crops of wheat, barley and alfalfa. Mr. Dowd pays considerable attention to raising stock, cattle, horses and hogs. He has a large band of the equines and also some exceptionally fine hogs. The family home is a comfortable and tasty dwelling of generous proportions and the farm has plenty of outbuildings and barns and so forth. We note that the parents of our subject, Michael and Elizabeth Dowd, were natives of Ireland and their career is epitomized elsewhere in this volume.

They came from Pierce City to their present home place in 1870, the father buying seven hundred and forty acres there. He died in 1873 and the mother carried things along until her demise, in 1898, and before her death she divided the property, which also included some town property, among the children. Charles was educated in the district schools, in the schools in Lewiston, in the college at Fort Colville and also in the college at Spokane, from which last institution he graduated in 1889. Then he returned to the farm and since that time he has given his time to farming and raising stock as mentioned above.

On September 20, 1899, in Nez Perces County, Mr. Dowd married Miss Beatrice M., daughter of Frederick E. and Minnie (Raul) Kling, natives of Germany and Mobile, Alabama, respectively. Mrs. Dowd has three brothers, Frederick, William and Roy, who is a half brother. Mrs. Dowd was born in Lewiston, on July 20, 1880. Mr. Dowd has the following named brothers and sisters, Harry, Mary E. Erb, both in Lewiston, and Matthew, on the farm. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Dowd, Aileen Marie. These worthy people are members of the Catholic Church.

Mr. Dowd is a strong advocate of good schools and always labors hard for their betterment. He is a Democrat in political matters and takes an active part.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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