Minnie Moore Mine

The Minnie Moore mine has produced lead and silver ore of greater value than any other in the district. In 1881, a half interest was sold to Henry E. Miller for $10,000.00. On the date of sale to Dent, Palmer & Co. of London, England, on February 25, 1884, with the price of silver at $1.14 an ounce and of lead at $100 a ton, the gross value of the reserves was $673,329. In this condition the mine was sold for $450,000. There is no accurate record of the value of the output for 1884 and 1885. The mine filled with water and lay idle from 1889 to November, 1900, when I. E. Rockwell, C. R. Carpenter, and others, having purchased the property for $30,000, began to pump out the workings. Ore was struck in a raise from the crosscut on the old 900-foot level in June, 1902, and from that time the lower part of the mine was vigorously explored. In July, 1904, 60 per cent of the stock in the Minnie Moore Mining Co., Ltd., was sold to Charles M. Schwab, who operated it on company account until August, 1905. The mine was worked from time to time by various companies until May, 1927, at which time it was abandoned.

It is not possible to present a comprehensive summary of the production of the Minnie Moore Mine. The most complete record is that compiled in 1902 by I. E. Rockwell, who, having access to the books of the Hailey sampler, which handled the ore during the early years, estimated the gross smelting returns at $7,316,600.12. During the period 1902 to 1906 mining operations below the old 900-foot level yielded about $1,100,000, net smelter returns. A small stope on the Singleterry vein above the 1000-foot level yielded $31,000, net smelter returns. Approximate total production $8,447,600. With so many mines so near at hand working to capacity, Broadford soon became a town. It had stores, hotels, saloons, etc., but mostly dwelling houses for the miners. A story is told of one of its merchants who had the habit, when asked by a customer for some thing which he did not have in stock, to always say in a most pleasing way, “We are just out, but have a carload on the way.” One day a little girl asked for some chewing gum, and, believe it or not, the force of habit was so great, that he said, “We are just out, but have a carload on the way.” “I know not what the truth may be, I tell the tale as ’twas told to me.”

But it should be true because an Angel (Texas) told it to me. Near Hailey were the Star, Croesus, Hope group, Idaho Democrat and other mines. Up Greenhorn Gulch were the Imperial and other mines, now the property of the Hailey Bonanza Mining company. On the East Fork of Wood River were the North Star, Triumph and others. The company operating the Triumph mine recently completed an aerial tramway between the mine and the railroad siding about one mile south of Ketchum. The tramway is approximately four miles in length. In a northerly direction from the last mentioned mines were the Independence, Elkhorn, Parker group, Noonday and others. About 12 miles in a westerly direction from Ketchum were the Boyle Mountain group and other mines. At Boulder were the Ophir, Bazouk, Trapper, Tip Top, Sullivan and other mines.

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