Biography of Ole Olsen

Norway has sent to the coasts of America many of her stalwart sons, whose brain and brawn have materially assisted in making this one of the grandest countries on the face of the earth today. One among this worthy number is named at the head of this article and it is with pleasure that we grant to him consideration in the volume that chronicles the history of his County.

Ole Olsen was born in northern Norway on December 6, 1859, being the son of Ole and Karl Evensen, natives of Norway. Our subject grew to manhood on a farm, received his education in the common schools and then served three years in the regular army. In April, 1885, he came to Hull, England, across the North Sea and thence by rail to Liverpool, whence he sailed in steamship to Quebec. On the coast of Newfoundland they had much trouble in the ice floes and great danger of demolition threatened them.

From Quebec, Mr. Olsen came to Union County, South Dakota and there farmed for four years. On July 6, 1889, he landed 111 Moscow and there he wrought for wages on a farm for four years. Then he rented a farm in Whitman County and in 1895 he selected his present place and filed on it. The next year he moved here and this has been the arena of his labors and successes since that time. Mr. Olsen has a good place and it is skillfully handled and produces fine annual returns. This year he had the gratification of harvesting over four thousand bushels of grain. He has a good house and other improvements also a good orchard and plenty of smaller fruits. Mr. Olsen handles some stock and also owns an interest in a threshing machine with the Hadford brothers.

He is a man of uprightness and is well respected by his fellows.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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