Biography of Norton B. Miller

This enterprising and well known business man of Nezperce is a member of the firm of Miller & Miller, which operates a first class livery stable in Nezperce. Mr. Miller is also the owner of a fine farm, some twelve miles east from town, and also has other property. He is a man of fine business qualifications, has demonstrated his ability to gain success in worthy endeavor and is now a man of influence and weight in the town and community.

Norton B. Miller was born in Scio, Oregon, May 18, 1870, being the son of John and Amanda (Redman) Miller, natives of Illinois and Iowa, respectively. The father was born in 1941, came across the plains with his parents in 1849, who took a section of donation land in Linn County and there he was brought up. He died in 1878 near the old home place. The mother of our subject was born in 1846, and is now the wife of P. J. Wycoff, at Freeman, Washington.

Norton was brought up in the native place and when manhood’s estate arrived he undertook different enterprises with his brothers and in the course of time he was farming with his brother, Curtis, in the vicinity of Sprague, Washington. In 1894 he came to Little Camas prairie, thence went to Spokane, Washington, until the reservation opened up and then he selected his present place of one quarter section, which is one of the finest pieces of land on the reservation. It produces now wheat and oats principally. In 1901 Mr. Miller embarked in the livery business in Nezperce with his brother Curtis, and they have one of the finest stables in the country. What makes their business so popular is their untiring care that all details will be satisfactory for both the comfort and safety of their patrons. They have fine horses, excellent turnouts, and everything is handled with praiseworthy skill and wisdom.

At Sprague. Washington. Mr. Miller married Miss Bertha, daughter of William and Orilla Frink, in 1900, and to this happy union there have been born three boys, Lester, Claude and Clayton. Mr. .Miller is a member of the W. W., Nezperce Camp. He is a Democrat in political matters, is quite active and always takes part in the conventions, being frequently delegate. Mrs. Miller is a member of the Circle of the Woodmen and also of the Baptist church.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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