Biography of Willie E. Kern

This enterprising farmer resides twenty-one miles southeast from Lewiston and is one of the substantial stockmen and farmers of his section, having a nice place well improved and productive of good returns annually. W. E. Kern was born in Richardson County, Nebraska, in 1866, being the son of William C. and Roda R. (Cox) Kern. The father is a stockman and farmer, born in Indiana in 1810, and now lives in Oregon. He crossed the plains in 1845, l852, and in 1866, and mined in California. He was County treasurer of Umatilla County, at Pendleton, for eight years and was sheriff in Iowa for two terms. The mother was born in Indiana in 1827, came west in 1878 and is still living. Willie E. was reared in Nebraska until thirteen years old and then came west with his parents in 1878, completing his education in Pendleton. At fifteen he started for himself and worked three years in Umatilla County at blacksmithing. Then he went to the sound and labored in the timber. Four years later he went to Butte. Montana, and opened a restaurant, where he did well for two and one-half years. He also spent some time in the Big Bend country in Washington in the stock business and in 1899 he came to his present place. January was the month and he has labored since with excellent success, being now one of the prosperous men of the County. He owns a half section, well improved. On April 18, 1900, Mr. Kern married Miss Nancy, daughter of Dr. Richardson, of the Willamette Valley, Oregon. He was a leading man of Eugene, and had a fine farm and property there. He and his wife are both deceased. Mrs. Kern has four brothers and three sisters, named below: Minerva, Paris, Sarah, Laura, Mitchell, Clinton and James. Mr. Kern is an active Republican and is much interested in good schools. His father was a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Kern is a man of good qualities and sound principles and stands well in the community and deserve the confidence and esteem that he generously receives from his acquaintances.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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