Biography of William Mustoe

One mile south from the rustic village of Melrose lies the beautiful estate of William Mustoe. Acquired by the homestead right in the very latter part of the last century, Mr. Mustoe has shown exceptional skill and industry to have it so well improved as it is. He has a modern residence of nine rooms, a large barn, good outbuildings and other improvements to match and altogether it is one of the best places in the community. William Mustoe was born in Scotland County, Missouri, on March 21, 1865, being the son of Henry and Martha (Heuett) Mustoe, natives of Virginia, and born in 1834 and 1836, respectively. They both live in Nez Perces County on a farm. The father was a pioneer to Missouri and a freighter of note there in those early times. The mother’s father, Hiram Heuett, was a captain in the Civil War and died in the army. He was a prominent public man. Her mother is still living, over eighty years of age. In 1868 the family of our subject’s father came to Adair County, Missouri, and there William grew up and was educated. When twenty-one he went for himself, clerked in a store, farmed and operated a creamery, but all the time, made his home on the farm. In February, 1893, he sold out in Missouri and came to Tekoa, Washington. One year there and he went to southern Idaho. One year after he was in Farmington, and later worked a year in the Bunker Hill & Sullivan at Wardner. It was in 1897 that Mr. Mustoe came to the reservation and took bis present place. Since then he has devoted himself to its improvement and to raising stock and doing general farming. On January 7, 1887, in Kirksville, Missouri, Mr. Mustoe married Miss Fannie, daughter of Robert H. and Jennie (Hill) Stephens. Mr. Stephens was born in Kentucky in 181 7 and died in April, 1900, having been a pioneer in Missouri. Mrs. Stephens was born in Missouri, in 1837 and still lives in that state. Mrs. Mustoe was born in Randolph County, Missouri, on August 4. 1868, and has the following brothers and sisters: Richard, Thomas J. and Robert F, Emma Dodson, Tames G., William A., Charlie, deceased; Ida, deceased; Elenta Starr and Eva Patton. Mr. Mustoe has the following brothers and sisters: Loreta M. Page, Dora B. Wilson, Benjamin F., deceased: Sarah J., deceased: and Albert. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Mustoe are named below, Aubry IV Nellie Al., Ray A., and Robert H. Mr. Mustoe is a member of the M. W. A. at Melrose and he and his wife are devout members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Mustoe was elected justice of the peace but he would not qualify, although he is always active in the political questions of the day and is an intelligent Democrat. In school matters, especially, Mr. Mustoe is an ardent laborer for betterment in all its lines and has served much on the board.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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