Biography of William H. Young

This well known business man of Lewiston has not been here as long as many of the worthy pioneers, still his industry, capability and excellent success in his business, as a music dealer, having the only exclusive store of that kind in Lewiston, together with his good moral qualities of worth, entitle him to representation in any volume that purports to give review of the leading citizens of the County of Nez Perces.In Cobden, Canada, on December 24, 1857, occurred the birth of William H. Young to George A. and Eveline (Marshall) Young. The father was a pilot in Canada and was born in the north of Ireland in 1826, his parents also being natives there, while his mother, a Meredith, was closely related to the royalty of Scotland. The mother of our subject was born in Canada in 1828 and now lives in Lewiston. Her father was born in Connecticut and her mother was born in Vermont. Her father was a shipbuilder. William H. was educated in his native land and remained there until 1875, when he and his brother, John M., came to the United States and settled in York, Nebraska, working the blacksmith shop of their uncle, Benjamin Marshall. In 1877 they started a grocery store in York and in 1882 removed to Riverton, being there in the mercantile business also until 1887. Then he sold and invested his money in land in northwestern Kansas, which proved a poor venture. In July, 1889, he abandoned the land, removed to Smith Centre and went to clerking. In August of the next year he was in North Dakota selling music. In 1892 he returned to Smith Centre and opened a music store, where he did business until 1901, when he came to Lewiston and bought out F. G. Erb & Company. He is now doing a fine business, having the only strictly music house in the city. On August 10, 1881, Mr. Young married Miss Kate, daughter of Edward and Mary (Rankin) Gibson, natives of Canada, and of English descent. The wedding occurred in Canada. Mrs. Young was born in Cobden, Canada, on August 4, 1858, and was educated in the Bowman Academy. She died November. 1900, in Smith Centre, Kansas, having been the mother of the following children: George E., deceased: W. Bertram, a good musician, eighteen years old and now in Taylor, California; Rex J., Virgil R., Winifred H., Kate, Mary, Douglas A., all at home. Mrs. Young had one brother and two sisters, John, Julia Burns. Rebecca Stuart. Mr. Young had three brothers. John M., George A. and James T. Mr. Young has property in Smith Centre, in addition to his business and holdings in this County. He is a man of business energy and very proficient in his line.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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