Biography of William H. Abel

Among the enterprising men of the reservation country and one who has done a goodly part in its development, being also a man of stability and good talent, is mentioned above and with pleasure we grant him consideration in the history of northern Idaho. He was born in Greene County, Pennsylvania, on April 7, 1866, being the son of John A. and Sarah (Lucas) Abel, natives of Greene County. The father took his family to Wayne County, Iowa, in 1869, being one of the pioneers of that section. He descended from a prominent and old Dutch family. The mother died in Iowa, on May 9, 1897. Our subject was reared and educated in Iowa, remaining with his parents until seventeen. Then he farmed in South Dakota and reached the Sound country in 1892. He followed the restaurant business in Olympia two years and then came to Oakesdale, Washington, after which he visited California, and on August 8, 1896, took up his abode on his present place, two and one half miles east from Fletcher. Final proof was made on this land, on December 21, 1901. Mr. Abel owns eighty acres of fine land and raises horses. He also handles three hundred and eighty acres of Indian land, doing general farming. About five miles northwest from Fletcher. Mr. Abel is constructing a new sawmill on a quarter section of valuable yellow pine land. He is an enterprising and skillful man in business and stands well in the County. Mr. Abel has the following named brothers and sisters, John A., in Wayne County, Iowa; Marv E. Casad, whose husband is editor of the Hubble Standard and postmaster at Hubble, Nebraska; James T., in Wayne County; Eliza J. Ellis, in Ohio; Alford, McClellan, hardware merchant in Corydon, Iowa; Leonard A., sergeant in Company F, Fourteenth United States Infantry. He was in the battle of Manila and took part in the attack on Pekin at the time of its fall. Mr. Abel is a member of the W. W., Phiney Camp, No. 492. He is allied with the Democrats in politics. Mr. Abel is still listed with the jolly bachelors and is content with the retired life and modest joys of the celibatarian.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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