Biography of William C. Waide

William C. Waide was a staunch supporter of the flag in the time of internal strife and did valiant service in this capacity. He has since proved himself as worthy in civil life and is now one of the prosperous farmers on Central ridge, being about nine miles southeast from Peck.

William C. Waide was born in Mason County, West Virginia, on December 22, 1843, being the son of Samuel and Mary (Greenlee) Waide. He was reared on a farm and educated in the log cabin school houses of that day, and when the war was at its height he enlisted in Company I, Ninth West Virginia Volunteers. His father had enlisted in the Ninth also, but was obliged to retire from active service on account of his advanced age. He was a colonel in the state militia.

Our subject started his military career on February 25, 1864, and fought at Clyde Mountain, Winchester, Lynchburg, Fisher Hill, Charlotstown and was almost constantly in action all the time he served. He was in the Eighth Corps under General Crook and later under General Sheridan. He was captured three different times, but was not in prison. He served until the close of the war and was then honorably discharged to return to quiet life in his native place. He farmed for a time there and then moved to Lawrence County, Ohio, where he married Miss Rebecca Suiter, on February 29, 1867. Her parents were William and Martha Suiter. Mr. Waide removed to Miami County, Ohio, in 1870, and in 1885 he came to Portland and farmed close to that city for a decade and more. He sold his farm of one hundred and twenty acres there in 1898 and came to his present location, which he secured as a homestead. He has good improvements, raises general crops and some stock and is on the list of the prosperous farmers of his section.

He and his estimable wife are members of the German Baptist Church and are devout in the path of the faith they have espoused. Eight children have been born to this household, named as follows: Mrs. Martha Pope, of Butte, Montana; Mrs. Dora Day, of near Southwick; John F., at home; William N., near Russell, Idaho; Mrs. Emma Bashor, in this County: Charles E., of Yamhill County, Oregon; Mrs. Ida Hackett, near Steele; and Marv A.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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