Biography of William C. Butler

Our subject has not only been a pioneer in various sections of the west in doing agricultural work, but is at the present time operating the first meat market opened in Gifford, where he is doing a good business. Mr. Butler is well known in Nez Perces County and has a first class standing, is well respected by all and is a man of worth and integrity.

William C. Butler was born in Linn County, Oregon, on December 9, 1869, being the son of Jason R. and Alary (Fields) Butler. The parents, as also the two brothers and six sisters of our subject, are mentioned elsewhere in this work. William C. was raised and educated in Linn County and Benton County. Oregon, and when eighteen he came in company with his brother, T. AI., to Grant County and there followed ranch work for two years. When twenty-one he came to the vicinity of Juliaetta and wrought on a farm until 1894, then rented with his brother one year on the reservation and also filed on a quarter section, which he cultivated for six years. This land was sold in the spring of 1902, and Mr. Butler bought a ranch near Juliaetta, which he is overseeing at the present time in connection with his labors in the meat market.

Mr. Butler owns a residence and a good business establishment in Gifford and is one of the substantial men of that town. Mr. Butler is a Republican, and in school matters, as also in reference to roads, he has done much hard labor for betterment and up building, being a man of enterprise and progressive ideas.

On July 22, 1894, Mr. Butler married Miss Prudie E. Richardson, who was born in Nez Perces County, on November 20, i860. Four children have been born to this marriage, Mary S., Marion, deceased, John R. and Floyd A. Mrs. Butler has one sister and one brother. George W., residing near Juliaetta: Ida M., wife of Senator Louis Clark, who is mentioned in this work. Her parents are John A. and Susannah (Harrington) Richardson.

The father was a pioneer in Oregon and participated in the early Indian wars, and now lives in Juliaetta.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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