Biography of Ulyssis S. Chambers

Ulyssis S. Chambers was born in Knox County, Indiana, on December 10, 1866. His parents were Samuel T. and Joannah (Bell) Chambers, natives of Indiana. The father, who was born in 1833 and served in the Twenty-sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry for four years, is specially mentioned in this work. Our subject came to Whitman County, Washington, with his parents, when five years old, and in 1880 they moved to Latah County, where the father now lives. Ulyssis gained his education in these places and wrought with his father until the time of his majority and was also engaged in the mines of the Hoodoo district and on Gold hill. In June 1897, he filed on his present place, which had been smuggled, a fine farm three miles east from Chesley. Mr. Chambers has cultivated and improved the land in a first class manner, and has now one of the desirable places of the County.

In July, 1891, while in Latah County Mr. Chambers married Miss Alary, daughter of Charlie and Lucretia (Herring) Bay, early pioneers of Oregon. They crossed the plains in the early sixties with team and wagon and settled in the Grande Ronde valley. Mrs. Chambers was born in Union County, Oregon, in 1873, and has four brothers and two sisters. William, Lizzie Haskett, Inez Roberts, Clyde and Wayne. Mr. Chambers has the following named brothers and sisters: Eudoras, Orpha Cochran, Corinne Bay and Joseph. Two children; Hazel and Ray have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Chambers.

Mr. Chambers is a member of the M. W. A., at Kippen. He has been a member of the school board since coming to this place, and is a tireless worker for the improvement of the schools, which worthy end is sure to be accomplished among the intelligent people of this section. Mr. Chambers is a staunch Republican and labors for the general welfare.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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