Biography of Thomas J. S. Mabbott

While Mr. Mabbott is one of the best farmers of his section he is also equally skilled in the art of the carpenter and builder and his life has been mostly made up in labors in these two important lines. He was born in Iowa County, Wisconsin, on January 8, 1849, being the son of Christopher and Mary A. (Springthrop) Mabbott. The father was a farmer and stockman, born in Rutlandshire, England, on March 26, 1809. He came to the United States in 1844 and died in 1886. The mother was born in Rutlandshire, England, September, 1809, and died in 1890.

Our subject was educated and grew to manhood in Iowa County and remained with his parents until he was twenty-four. He perfected himself in the carpenter trade and then worked at it eight years in McGregor, Iowa. Then he removed to Sauk County and engaged in the grocery business for two years, after which he farmed and in 1894 he took an extended trip all over Iowa, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, Washington and other places, finally settling in the vicinity of Genesee. He farmed two years and in 1896, he came and secured his present place a mile southwest from Ho.

On June 24, 1874, in Wisconsin, Mr. Mabbott married Miss Nellie, daughter of Luke and Mary Ellen (Ballou) Farwell. The father was a farmer, born in Ohio, in 1826, and died in i860, at Pikes Peak, being m that excitement. His father was a pioneer in Iowa County and went to California in the exciting days of 1852, remaining ten years. Mrs. Mabbott’s mother was born in Illinois in 1827 and died when this daughter was but four years old. Mrs. Mabbott was born in Iowa County in 1852, May 26 and has two sisters, Adelia Jain and Adora Pope. Mr. Mabbott has the following brothers and sisters: Charles W., John R., Amos M., Mary A., Edward J., Christopher A., Martha A., George W., Laura J. Five children have been born to this worthy couple: Ernest C, May L., Grace A.. Guy E., Ruth N.

Mr. Mabbott is a progressive and active Republican and is on hand in all the primaries and the campaign fight, while also he takes great interest in the advancement of school facilities. He has a good home place, well improved, and handled with skill and thrift.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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