Biography of Seneber S. Brooks

About two miles southwest from Ilo is found the home of the thrifty and prosperous citizen mentioned at the head of this article and it is with pleasure that we are enabled to grant to him consideration in this volume.

Seneber S. Brooks was born in Linn County, Oregon, on August 17, 1856, being the son of Durin P. and Amanda C. (Hill) Brooks. The father was born in Michigan in 1834, crossed the plains in 1852, settling in Linn County. He was a farmer and stockman and died in Huntsville, Washington, in 1882. He was a volunteer in the Rogue River Indian war of 1856. The mother was born in Tennessee, in 1834, and died in 1888. Her parents came to Oregon in 1851 from Iowa, where also they had been pioneers.

Our subject grew to manhood in Oregon, attending common schools. The family had come to Umatilla County when he was thirteen and there also he attended school. When he came to the years of maturity, he went to the state university in Linn County and took a two years’ course.

He farmed in Umatilla County, in Dayton County and finally took land near Farmington, Whitman County. He gave his attention to farming and teaching for a number of years and continued on his Whitman County place until 1895. Then he came to his present place the day the reservation opened and secured it by homestead right. He has made this the family home since and it is now a well improved and valuable place. Mr. Brooks gives his attention to general farming and also to handling stock. He has cattle and hogs and is breeding some fine Berkshires. Mr. Brooks is erecting a new barn and is making substantial improvements.

In Lewiston, on November 8, 1885, Mr. Brooks married Miss Victoria, daughter of Elias and Callistine (Holman) Forgey. The father was born in 1835 and the mother was born in Missouri, and both are living. Mrs. Brooks was born in Linn County in 1866 and has the following brothers and sisters: Vina Bolic, William A., Isaac, Dawn, deceased, Mrs. Ollie Barnes, Loufisa Cliff, Louisa Watkins, Elias, deceased, Demarkis. Mr. Brooks has the following brothers and sisters: Vinna, deceased, Hershel, Flavius, Mary, deceased, Clarburn D. To Mr. and Mrs. Brooks there have been born seven children: Blanche, Mabel, Florence, Clark, Claude, Prudence, and Roy.

Mr. Brooks is a member of the I. O. O. F. He is a staunch Republican and always active in the campaigns. Mr. Brooks is justice of the peace and was nominated by his party for County commissioner in 1900, but was defeated by the fusionists. He has been road overseer for four years and is an advocate for improvement and advancement in this line as also in educational facilities, for which he untiringly labors. Mr. Brooks stands well and has the confidence of all who may have the pleasure of his acquaintance.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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