Biography of Schuyler J. Adams

Schuyler J. Adams, a skillful and successful agriculturist and stockman, resides about two miles northeast from Morrow, where he is devoted to the enterprises mentioned and where he manifests those qualities of substantiality and worth which have always characterized him in all his ways.

Schuyler J. Adams was born in Oceana County, Michigan, on March 25, 1860, being the son of Simeon and Lanah (Schuyler) Adams. The father was born in Massachusetts in 1832 and died in 1885, February 14. He was a pioneer in Michigan and enlisted in the Twenty-second Michigan Cavalry and lost his arm in the battle of Gettysburg. The mother of our subject was born in Germany and came with her parents to Three Mile Bay, Jefferson County. New York. In 1871 our subject went with his parents to Rice County, Kansas, and six years later he returned to his old home in Michigan, where he remained until October 6, 1885.

During this time he learned the trade of the engineer and at the date mentioned came to Portland, whence one year later he went to Montana with a train load of cattle. He returned to Walla Walla and farmed until 1894, in which year he went to Whitman County near Colfax and farmed until 1896, during which time he came to his present place, which has been the home since. He has one hundred and forty acres of fine land, well improved and tilled to general crops. Mr. Adams finds the country well adapted to oats, timothy and barley and feeds the products to his stock, having never hauled a load of grain to market. He has a good residence and perhaps as fine if not the finest barn on the reservation, it being a substantial structure forty by sixty and well finished.

Mr. Adams operated the hotel in Morrow for a time and spends considerable time there for the benefit of the schools for the children.

On August 19, 1880, Mr. Adams married Miss Anna Whitby, who died in 1894, leaving one child, Hattie Mamie. Mr. Adams contracted a second marriage, October 13, 1805, the lady becoming his wife being Jessie M. (Day) Turner. By a former marriage Mrs. Adams has two children, Elizabeth Jane and Georgia. Mr. Adams has the following named brothers and sisters: Samantha Knight, Margaret Knight, John D., Samuel. The brothers and sisters of Mrs. Adams are named as follows: William Day, Margaret Barstow, Joseph, George P., Anna, Josephine, Robert, John, Benjamin, Chester, Walter, Grace, Francis.

Mr. Adams is a member of the I. O. O. F. in Morrow. He is constable of his precinct and in politics is a Republican. Mr. Adams is a warm advocate of good schools and has done all in his power for the betterment of educational facilities.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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