Biography of Samuel W. Marshall

Located at what was once known as the Beeman stage ranch, about one mile north from Lookout, is this prosperous farmer, as well as teacher of vocal music, in which line he has been blessed with abundant success, being endowed by nature for the fine art, and the subject of this sketch is entitled to representation in the history of Nez Perces County.

Samuel W. Marshall was born in Newton County, Missouri, on April 2, 1854, being the son of Elias M. and Rebecca (Sutherland) Marshall. The father was a farmer and minister in the Church of Christ. He was born in Illinois in 1831 and died on March 5, 1890. He was a pioneer in Newton and Jasper counties, Missouri, also in Bourbon County, Kansas. He was a scout in the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, enlisting in the fall of 1861 and participated in the battles of Prairie Grove and Cane Hill. Being discharged on account of sickness he soon joined the militia and assisted to chase Price out of the country. The mother of our subject was born in Indiana in 1S38 and is now living in Joplin, Missouri; her father was one of the earliest pioneers of Newton County, Missouri.

When Samuel was seven the family went to Fort Scott, Kansas, and there he was raised and educated. Returning to Newton County, he soon went into the mines in the vicinity of Joplin and then took up farming. He had received a technical training in music in the meantime and commenced to give instruction in vocal music. In 1888 he sold out and came to Moscow, where he rented land extensively until 1893, doing well until that “wet year.” Losing heavily, he then went as foreman for ‘the Farmers’ Warehouse at Jewell. Four years later he took a position as weigher for the Tacoma Grain Company at Kendrick and after two years of service he came to Nez Perces County. He located on the Cottonwood for a time and in 1900 he came to his present place, which he intends to farm to fruit and grasses.

On December 25, 1876, in Joplin, Missouri, Mr. Marshall married .Miss .Mary M., daughter of Abram and Rebecca (Henry) Shira, of German extraction and born in Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. Mrs. Marshall was born’ in Iowa, on October 26, 1856 and has two brothers and one sister, George M., Emma Blankinship, John H. Mr. Marshall has the following brothers and sisters: Elizabeth Wolf, Margaret L. Hooper, Cyrus A., Martha J. Garrison, Seth W. deceased, Edward E, Schuyler C, Ira S., deceased, Fredrick and Perry D. Eight children have been the fruit of this happy union: George A., in Moscow; James C.: deceased; Hattie J. Keeney, in Rosedale, Washington; Ida R., deceased; Minnie A., a musician in Rosedale: Charles L., deceased; William O., Mary G.

Mr. Marshall is a member of the W. of W. at Lookout. He is also a school trustee and labors faithfully for the improvement of the schools. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall are consistent members of the Church of Christ. Mr. Marshall was the last postmaster at Beeman.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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