Biography of Samuel Porter

Among the leading stockmen and farmers of the vicinity of Peck the name of our subject holds a prominent position, which is well merited by his excellent endeavors and personal worth.

Samuel Porter was born in Northampton, Massachusetts, on September 8, 1867, being the son of William J. and Ellen (Foley) Porter. The father was born in County Antrim, Ireland, in 1830, and came to the United States in 1846. He now lives in Nez Perces County with this son. He was County supervisor in Hancock County, Iowa. The paternal grandfather of Samuel was born in America. The mother of our subject was born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1812, and died in 1897. The family came to Mitchell County, Iowa, when Samuel was two years old, and then went to Hancock County, where they remained until 1893. There Mr. Porter grew to manhood and received his education in the public schools. He wrought with his father in the stock business, which the latter was extensively engaged in. During this time he traveled to various portions of the country, Florida, all over the south and to the leading markets.

In 1893 they came to Kendrick and bought a ranch, which the father owns now. In the fall of 1895 Mr. Porter came to his present place, about one mile northeast from Peck, and there took land. He has a half section of fine land, well improved and productive of good returns annually. Mr. Porter has a fine seven room house, a capacious barn and all improvements needed. He raises cattle extensively, being associated with his father, as he has always been since boyhood.

On May 10, 1899, Mr. Porter married Miss Isabella Holt, daughter of James and Mary Holt. The wedding occurred in this County. Mr. Holt is a stockman and farmer in this County and was born in Kentucky, but crossed the plains in a very early day, having been one of the sturdy pioneers who opened up California. Oregon and Idaho; and was married at The Dalles. His wife was born on the Pacific slope. Mrs. Porter was born near Marengo, Washington, in 1872. She has five brothers and eight sisters. Mr. Porter has the following named brothers and sisters, John, deceased; Joseph D., William, Ella, Cusic, Maggie, deceased. Our subject and his wife are devout members of the Catholic Church. In political matters Mr. Porter is a Democrat and sometimes is at the conventions.

He is a hearty supporter of good schools and is a progressive citizen. Mr. Porter has some excellent Shorthorn cattle and takes great interest in breeding fine stock. His farm is well supplied with water from springs which he has piped down, and his estate is a place of value and displays commendable thrift.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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