Biography of Samuel Lockridge

As a representative farmer of the reservation country, a man of intelligence and worth and a loyal and patriotic citizen of our commonwealth, we chronicle the subject of this article.

Samuel Lockridge was born in Warren County, Iowa, on November 9, 1863, being the son of William and Elizabeth J. (Simmons) Lockridge. The father was born on February 6, 1834, in Augusta County, Virginia, and came with his parents when a small child to Indiana, where he grew to young manhood and was educated in the schools of that day.

In 1853 he went to Iowa and there remained until 1893, living a time, however, in Oklahoma. He is a man of prominence and worth and has often times been chosen for offices of trust in the County and has ever discharged his duties with efficiency and faithfulness. His grandfather, William, was one of the patriots who fought for our independence and the fruits of those praiseworthy labors are ours to enjoy to this day. He used a flintlock rifle in the war under Morgan which an uncle in the family, Jacob Daggy, used in the war of 1812 and which is now a prized heirloom of the family.

William Lockridge was married in Iowa to Elizabeth Simmons, who was a native of Iowa and died in Oklahoma in 1895. Our subject was brought up in Iowa and there received his education. He remained with his father until of age and then farmed in Iowa some time longer. In 1893 he journeyed to Oklahoma and later bought a relinquishment to preemption. This was his family home until 1899, the same being in Lincoln County, near Chandler, which he sold and took a trip back to Ohio, after which he came and bought his present place in 1900, which has been the borne since. He does general farming, has a good place and devotes some attention to stock. Mr. Lockridge is a Democrat and is active in the campaigns.

On December 9, 1891, Mr. Lockridge married Miss Eliza C, daughter of Joseph S. and Cynthia (Ellen wood) Dilley. The father who was born June 11, 1828, in Virginia, was a pioneer in Washington County, Ohio, where he still lives. The mother was born March 9, 1826, in Virginia, where she was brought up and died in Ohio, on August 22, 1887. Mrs. Lockridge has the following named brothers and sisters: Joseph R., John W., Nahen S., Suzie M. Mr. Lockridge has six brothers and sisters: Leander J., Mrs. Mary Wheat, John W., Robert A., Sarah Follett, and Savannah C. Mr. and Mrs. Lockridge have two children, Mabel D. and Clara V.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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