Biography of Samuel E. Lowary

Samuel E. Lowary is an enterprising farmer and stockman, two miles southwest from Melrose, where he took the raw land and has made worthy improvements and also placed himself as one of the substantial men of the community. He handles stock and raises the cereals and his place is a model of excellent cultivation and thrift. Mr. Lowary also has a fine orchard and intends making his place one of the finest that skill and labor can accomplish.

Samuel E. Lowary was born in Chautauqua County, Kansas, on November 16, 1871, being the son of James and Mary A. (Hawkins) Lowary. The father was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, on March 20, 1833, served as teamster in the Civil War, came as a pioneer to the big bend country in Washington in April, 1883, and died there July 10, 1901, aged sixty-eight years, three months and twenty days. The mother was born in Missouri, on January 1, 1839, and died March 5, 1886.

Our subject grew up in the various places the family lived and was favored with a public school education. In September, 1879, the family came to the Grande Ronde valley, Oregon, crossing the plains with wagons. Then came the move to Washington, as mentioned above, and our subject remained at home until twenty-one, at which time he bought land, and farmed’ until 1895. In that year he came to the Potlatch country, tilling the soil there until the reservation opened, in 1896, when he came and settled on his present place, and here he has devoted his labors assiduously since with the happy result that his estate is one of the best improved and most excellent ones in the community.

In the spring of 1896 in Latah County, Mr. Lowary married Miss Harriett E. Timmons, daughter of William and Mary Timmons, natives of Iowa and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father was a farmer. Mrs. Lowary was born in Floyd County, Iowa, on July 26, 1877. She has four sisters and three brothers living. Mr. Lowary has the following named brothers and sisters, Frank and George, in Lincoln County, Washington; Lorenzo, in Nez Perces County; Minnie B. Richardson, in this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Lowary there have been born four children, Annie B., Bertha E., George and Dora. Mr. Lowary affiliates with the I. O. O. F. and the M. W. A., at Melrose. He is a Republican in politics and is a staunch advocate of good schools and churches. Mrs. Lowary had one uncle in the Civil War.

It is with pleasure that we can record that Mr. Lowary stands well with the people and is one of the leading and responsible men of this section.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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