Biography of Ross S. Babcock

This well known young business man has formed a partnership with George Horseman and they handle the Morrow hotel and bar, where they do a prosperous business and operate a house that furnishes good accommodations for the public.

Ross S. Babcock was born in Broadhead, Wisconsin, on September 27, 1876, being the son of George S. B. and Elmina (Mattock) Babcock. The father, a farmer and cooper, resides near Forest. He was born in Courtland County, New York, on August 20, 1834. He was a pioneer in Green County, Wisconsin, and his father, Reuben Babcock, a farmer in New York, was a captain and drill master in the war of 1812. Our subject’s father was a soldier in the Civil war for four years and received an honorable discharge. The mother of our subject was born in Pennsylvania; her parents were Daniel and Elizabeth (Hayes) Mattock, natives all of Pennsylvania.

Our subject grew to the age of twelve in Wisconsin and then the father sold out and came to Walla Walla, whence he came by team to Nez Perces County and on April 7, 1889, settled on his present place near Forest. Ross S., was reared and attended the common schools here, after which he took a three years’ course in the Adventist College of Walla Walla. In 1892, he came from the college and went to riding the range with stock. He also prospected and mined in the Deer creek camp and other places and still has properties here. Mr. Babcock also farmed and later formed the partnership mentioned above and is now operating the hotel and bar. He has two sisters and two brothers, George I., Charles R., Esther V. Olson, Florence Rice.

Mr. Babcock is allied with the Republican Party but is an independent thinker and selects the man rather than the party. He is a warm advocate of good schools and all public enterprises that are calculated to bring prosperity and advancement.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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