Biography of Robert Smith

At the present time, Mr. Smith is a prosperous dairyman, located three miles east from Lewiston, and he is well known for his thrift, energy and integrity and stands well among the people of the community. He was born in Pike County, Illinois, on October 8, 1866, being the son of Hiram and Sarah J. (Simons) Smith. The father was a farmer, born in Pennsylvania in 1820, and died in 1875. The mother was born in Adams County, Illinois, on November 11, 1836, and died August 15, 1893.

Robert was educated in the schools of his neighborhood and was a diligent lad on the farm. In 1884, aged eighteen, he came to the west. He landed in Washington, then went to Lewiston, where he worked for a couple of years, and then returned to Illinois. There he went to farming and raising hogs, at which he did well, and then suffered the misfortune to see his all swept away by the hog cholera. Being discouraged with that labor he came again to the west, this time settling near Pullman and taking charge of a large farm for Dr. Webb. Two years were spent here and Mr. Smith returned to Illinois. Four years were spent there and then he came west for good, settling at his present place. He paid attention to dairying. gardening, and fruit raising, and did well, but now he is confining himself to dairying alone and is making a good success.

On January 8, 1889, in Illinois, Mr. Smith married Miss Carrie, daughter of William and Susan Uppinghouse. The father served in the Civil War and is now a farmer. Mrs. Smith was born in New Canton, Illinois, in 1869 and has brothers and sisters as follows: Charles, James, Nellie, Logan, Eva, Arthur and Nina. Mr. Smith has brothers and sisters named below: Seldon, Hiram R., Hilbert, and Ella Eakins, and his half brothers are named also George A., Wesley Akers. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith there have been born three children, Opal, Paul, Grace.

Mr. Smith affiliates with the W. of W. and M. W. A. He is a Republican but is not bound by party lines so that he uses his judgment for men and principles.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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