Biography of Robert M. Wright

Many were the hardships that the subject of this article had to undergo in the times of the terrible Rebellion. His father was a Union man, and living in West Virginia, he was exposed to great dangers and troubles and these things early impressed themselves on young Wright. In Barbour County, that state, Robert M. was born June 10, 1858, his parents being William J. and Sarah A. (Hiskell) Wright. The father was born in Barbour County June 8, 1833, and was a pioneer of that County, as also was his father. William Wright fought for the stars and stripes in Company F, Tenth West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. He still lives though wounded in the war and is a very active politician and was a delegate to the national convention in 1900. The mother of our subject was born in Preston County, West Virginia, in 1834 and her father came from Germany.

Robert M. grew up on the farm, received his education in the schools of his vicinity, and there he farmed until 1890. Then he sold out and made the long journey to Kendrick, Idaho, thence to the Potlatch. Later he bought the townsite of Southwick and named the town Grafton, but the post office has since been changed to Southwick. It is a good business point. In 1896 Mr. Wright sold his interest there, went to the reservation, took a claim near Steele and farmed there until 1901, when he sold the property and bought two hundred and forty acres where he now lives, one and one half miles south from Southwick. He has a good house and barn, raises cattle and does a general farming business Mr. Wright also breeds fine Poland China and Berkshire hogs, and raises so much stock that they consume all the grain of his farm.

In 1880 Mr. Wright married Miss Laura Mustoe and to them were born Ernest L., Robert R., Clinton C. and Darl D. In 1894 Mr. Wright married Miss Amanda Myers and two children were born to them, Madolin, William M. In 1898 Mr. Wright married Miss Eva, daughter of Tweed and Cordelia Helm, natives of Missouri. Mrs. Wright was born in California in 1871 and has four sisters and two brothers: Lizzie, Emma, Jane, Lucy, Newton, and Charlie, the last one being in South Africa. Mr. Wright has the following named brothers and sisters: Arnold R., Lewis, Tabitha E., Martha E., Catherine E., Sarah E., Florence E., Amanda.

Mr. and Mrs. Wright are members of the United Brethren Church, while Mr. Wright is a Republican and an active participant in the questions of the day and of local interest. He is a prominent figure in the conventions and the caucuses. In educational matters Mr. Wright has made his influence felt for betterment and advancement and has done good service on the boards.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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