Biography of Peter Jutte

Peter Jutte, deceased. It is very fitting that in the volume that chronicles the history of Nez Perces County, there should appear a proper memorial of the late esteemed and beloved gentleman whose name is at the head of this page, since he was one of the early settlers of this portion of Nez Perces County, and here he labored with display of great faithfulness, enterprise and wisdom for many years and since also lie was a man of great strength of character, being upright, capable, and possessed of a sterling worth and principle that always guided him in the path of unswerving integrity and maintenance of an unsullied reputation and high honor.

The deceased was born in Saint Peters, Ohio, on April 2, 1860, being the son of John and Kate Jutte, natives of Germany and immigrants to the United States in 1850. Locating in Ohio, they spent the years of their life there and now repose in the Catholic cemetery in Saint Peters of that state.

In his native town our subject received his early schooling and there remained with his parents until he had arrived to the age of twenty-four. At that time he made a journey to Ottertail County, Minnesota, and two years later, he came thence to Nez Perces County, Idaho, purchasing a half section of land where the family home is now located, about four miles west from Genesee. He began at once the labors of transforming the raw sod to a fertile farm, and improvements began to appear in various portions. Fences and barns were built, a fine residence erected, and all the modern improvements of a fine western grain and fruit farm were added in due time. He manifested great wisdom and untiring care of the entire estate and under his careful husbandry it was made to produce abundant crops of the cereals and other things. He purchased from time to time pieces of land until the estate is now four hundred and seventy acres of fine land. In addition there is one acre in the town of Genesee, where the intention was to erect a home to be occupied by the family. The farm produces as high as six thousand bushels of wheat annually, and it is kept in excellent condition.

On January 19, 1886, occurred the marriage of Mr. Jutte and Miss Veronika, daughter of Joseph W. and Barbara (Secrist) Doll, the father being a native of Ohio and the mother of Germany, and they reside in Ottertail County, Minnesota. To Mr. and Mrs. Jutte there were born six children, four of whom are living, as follows, Barney H, Anton C, Albert J. and Edward F. On April 16, 1902, the messenger of death came to Mr. Jutte and snatched him hence. It was a time of universal mourning, for he was widely known and beloved by all who had the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with him. With solemn services the remains of the good man, the true and devoted husband, loving and wise father, capable and noble citizen of our land was consigned to the last resting place in the Catholic cemetery in Genesee.

He had been in lifetime a popular member of the W. of W. Camp No. 207 of Uniontown, and a devout adherent of the Catholic Church. The heavy grief and attendant burdens that have fallen upon Mrs. Jutte are nobly borne, and it is with great wisdom and commendable ability that she is assuming the responsibilities and discharging them in a becoming manner. She is handling the farm and maintains the home place.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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