Biography of Peter Book

Peter Book is a prominent citizen of Nez Perces County, being a thrifty and prosperous farmer, a skillful contractor and builder, and a man of reliability and talent, withal a fine neighbor and upright and genial.

Peter Book was born in Germany on December 25, 1852, being the son of Jacob and Bertha Book, both natives of the fatherland. Our subject was educated and reared in his native place and when the budding years of his majority arrived, he determined to try his fortune in the resourceful land of the free, and accordingly came hither.

He spent a few years in New York City, following his trade, bricklaying, and perfecting himself in the builder’s art. Then he came to Mandan, North Dakota, and there operated a hay farm with his brother for two years. His brother was killed by a neighbor in a dispute over some hay and then Mr. Book went to Medora, and there operated a brick yard for two years. Thence he repaired to Rapid City, South Dakota, and ran a brick yard and did building for a number of years and in the nineties he came to Lewiston. his family remaining at Red Wing. Minnesota, the old home of his wife.

In 1898 they filed on their present place, two and one-half miles southwest from Lookout, and the family came on. He has improved the place in fine shape and is raising fine crops. In addition to this enterprise, Mr. Book is doing much building and contract work in the cities adjacent. Mr. Book has three brothers one sister, and two half sisters, all in Germany.

At Red Wing, Minnesota, on November 19, 1882, Mr Book married Miss Minnie C, daughter of William and Louisa (Hempling) Ritchlag natives of Germany, married in New York City, where they lived for a few years and then came to Red Wing, where the father is running a blacksmith shop. Mrs. Book was born in Red Wing, on March 13, 1858. She has two brothers and one sister, Fred, a saloon man in Red Wing William, running a pottery there; Rose, single and living with her parents. Two children have been born to this happy family. Lucy, born September 20, 1883, at Mandan, North Dakota: Jacob P. born November 17. 1885. at Mandan. Both are with their parents.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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