Biography of Owen Devlin

Owen Devlin, a respected and well known citizen of Nez Perces County, whose uprightness and ability are manifest in his labors and achievements, is a son of the noted Emerald Isle, and the good Irish blood that courses in his veins has enabled him to successfully battle with the adverse forces of the world and gain a good holding in the material line, while his integrity, manly qualities, and intrinsic worth have gained for him the encomiums, good will and confidence of all who know him.

Owen Devlin was born on June 11, 1853, in Ireland, being the son of Patrick and Kate, also natives of Ireland. The former was born in 1824 and died in 1894, while the latter was born in 1824 and died in 1898, being farmers all their lives. Our subject was reared and educated in the native place and there wrought with his father until he had reached the age of nineteen. This was in 1872, and that marks the year when Owen severed home ties, parted with native land and sailed for better opportunities in the land of the free. He went at once to Illinois and commenced railroading, which he followed for three years with his headquarters at Rock Island. His next move was to Clayton County, Iowa, where he continued railroading for fifteen years.

It was 1890 when he came to Spokane and nine years were spent in the labor wherein he had become proficient, railroading. Then he made his way to the reservation and in 1899 purchased his present farm. This estate consists of one quarter section and is situated three miles southwest from Peck. Mr. Devlin has given the same assiduous attention and labor, always dominated with wisdom of a high order, which always characterized him in earlier years and he has won the smiles of fortune and is one of the substantial and prosperous men of the County. He has a good residence, commodious barns, excellent orchard, and other improvements to match, while he devotes himself to general farming and raising cattle and hogs.

In July, 1876, Mr. Devlin married Miss Margaret Sturum, a native of Germany, born in 1864. Her parents were natives of the same country and came to this country in 1866. She has three brothers and one sister living. Mr. Devlin has the following brothers, John, in Iowa: Thomas, in Ireland; Patrick in Iowa; James, in Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Devlin have been born the following named children, Kate Graham, James, Martin, Susie, Agnes, Patrick, John, William, Michael, Bessie.

Mr. Devlin is a member of I. O. O. F., while he and his wife are adherents of the Catholic Church. He is a member of the school board and is always in favor of improvements and progress in educational and all lines.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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