Biography of Michael Kouni

To this industrious and wise farmer have come the emoluments of honest toil and good management in financial affairs and he is one of the most prosperous men of the section where he resides. Mr. Kouni has an excellent farm, very fertile land and well tilled. It lies two miles southeast from Peck and was taken by him as a homestead.

Michael Kouni was born in Switzerland, on February 5. 1863, opening his eyes in the presence of everlasting snows of the Alps and for three years he breathed the pure air of free Switzerland. In 1866 his parents, Mathias and Mariah Kouni, came to Peoria, Illinois, and there the father wrought in the coal mines until 1869, when they all went to Marshall County, Kansas, and there the father took a homestead where he dwells at the present time. The mother died in 1892.

Our subject spent the years of his childhood, gaining his education from the common schools and learning the ways of excellent farming from an industrious and thrifty father. In 1885 Michael stepped forth into the world for himself and journeyed to Cheyenne, Wyoming, where he dealt in stock, buying and sniping horses to the east. In 1887 he made his way to Moscow and engaged in the nursery business, operating the Mix nursery until 1891. Then a move was made to Kendrick and Mr. Kouni operated a nursery for himself until 1897. That was the year when he came to the reservation and bought the relinquishment of the place he now owns and here he has bestowed his labors since that time. He has the farm well under cultivation, owns a commodious barn, a good house and in addition to the general products of the farm Mr. Kouni raises hogs and horses and is operating a nursery. He is a thrifty and industrious man, well esteemed by his neighbors and a good citizen.

On December 25, 1902, Mr. Kouni was married to Miss Nancy Bell Goalder, daughter of Ward and Mary (Wilcox) Goalder, natives of Kentucky and now residents of Adams County, Washington. Mr. Goalder lives near Lind. Mrs. Goalder died .March 28, 1892. Mrs. Kouni has the following named brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mary Ann Gray, Benj. W. Goalder, M. P., and Edw. G.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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