Biography of Mathias Buechler

This well to do and representative farmer of Nez Perces County is also one of the stanch and unswerving supporters of our free institutions, having demonstrated on the field of blood his love for the land of freedom which he has chosen as his own. Mr. Buechler was born in Luxemburg, Germany, on January 2, 1832, being the son of Peter and Katherine (Stein) Buechler, also natives of Germany, where they repose in the cemetery in Luxemburg. Our subject was educated in his native village and at the age of fifteen years started in life for himself, working for the farmers of the vicinity.

He afterwards learned the cooper trade and also became a wagon maker and pump maker. At the age of nineteen years, he was ready for the new world, and accordingly came hither, locating first in St. Louis, where he turned his hand to various occupations for a time and then learned the machinist trade and worked for two years in the shops, also ran an engine until 1884, in which year he came west to Nez Perces County and bought the quarter section where he now lives, five miles south from Genesee. He has given his attention to farming here for the intervening time, achieving good success. He has his farm well improved with fine house, barn, out buildings, orchard, etc.

The marriage of Mr. Buechler and Miss Gesine, daughter of Gearhard and Sophie (Hemi) Easan, was celebrated in 1863 and they have been blessed by the advent of the following children, Henry C, married to Minnie Quade, and living in St. Louis, Missouri; George H., married to Cora McNare and living in Denver, Colorado; August W., Robert H., Sophie, the last three being at home with the parents. Mrs. Buechler’s parents were natives of North Germany and came to America, locating in St. Louis, where their death occurred. Mr. Buechler is a member of the order, known as the Sons of Herman, Lodge No. 15, in St. Louis. He and his family affiliate with the Lutheran Church.

In September, 1861, Mr. Buechler enlisted in Company E, First Missouri Light Artillery, under Captain Charles Mann. His company was kept in Missouri until February, 1862, when he was sent to Fort Donelson, thence to Fort Henry and to Pittsburg Landing; at the battle of Shiloh he was severely wounded and was kept on the field for eleven days, being unconscious the entire time. When he could be moved, he was taken to St. Louis and there under a private surgeon, he recovered and again joined his company, but after one week was sent to the hospital and then received an honorable discharge September 18, 1862. His military career displays great courage and bravery on his part and is one of credit to him and his family.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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