Biography of Mason S. McCoy

A popular and up to date hotel man and now operating a first class house in Morrow, also having a good feed barn in connection, a man of uprightness and integrity, we, with pleasure, grant to Mr. McCoy space in the history of his County for a review of his life.

Mason S. McCoy was born in Walla Walla County, Washington, on February 15, 1872, being the son of James and Margaret (Leadbetter) McCoy, natives of Texas. The father was born in 1839, now lives in Prosser, Washington, and was one of the early pioneers of Washington, being through all the Indian wars. The mother was born in 1849, is living and came west with ox teams. Our subject grew to manhood in Dayton, and was there educated. He learned in his early life the trade of sawyer and when fifteen went to do for himself, working both at farming and in the mills.

When nineteen he went to the Willamette valley, later returned to Washington, then to Portland, then again to Washington. In the fall of 1895 Mr. McCoy was at the mouth of Lolo creek, on Clearwater, hunting and trapping and from which he came to his present place. In 1896 he came to Idaho, and here he was married to Mary Hacker, daughter of Jacob and Mary Hacker, on June 3, 1896. Mrs. McCoy’s parents were born in Germany and her father died in 1899. She was born in Germany, on May 25, 1874, and came to the United States when six with her parents. Mrs. McCoy was educated in Kansas City, Missouri. She has the following named brothers and sisters, Terese Ettlesburger, Louis, Lizzie Lamb. Mr. McCoy has the following named brothers and sisters, Mary, William, George. Clara Bait, Maude Radley, John, Viola Swift, Rose McFarland, Guy. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, Eugene. Beatrice, Lela Fay. Mrs. McCoy is a Catholic.

Mr. McCoy is allied with the Republicans in politics but reserves for his own decision the judgment of the different men and is an independent thinker. He has a farm in addition to his hotel and also is handling some stock.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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