Biography of Louis Hadford

Louis Hadford is a fine example of those who came to this new and untried country with meager means and have by thrift, industry and wisdom in the bestowment of their labors come to be the prosperous farmers and stockmen now dwelling in the reservation country. He was without means when he settled on his present place, two and one-half miles southeast from Lookout, and now he owns two hundred and forty acres of fertile land, well improved, raises the cereals and flax, handles many head of cattle, horses, and sheep and is a well to do, substantial citizen.

Louis Hadford was born in Sweden, on February 20, 1865, being the son of Hadford and Karin (Vesterlund) Hadford, natives of Sweden. The father was born in 1832 and still lives in Sweden. The mother was born in 1839 and died in 1885. Louis grew ripe in his native place and was trained in the common schools. As soon as he was able he went to work in the trying labor of loading ships in the harbor of Harnes. While following this arduous calling he conceived the idea of coming to America and securing a home for himself.

In 1889, he made the trip across the water and land to Spokane, Washington, where his brothers, Gust, John and Peter, were located. He paid attention to farming for two or three years buying land. But at the time of the panic, he abandoned his land and went to railroading. In the spring of 1896 he with his brothers, John and Gust, came to the reservation and they all secured good claims.

His is one of the excellent farms and is handled with becoming skill and thrift. He has operated a threshing machine in addition to his other labors, being a skilled hand in this capacity.

Mr. Hadford has three brothers and two sisters, Peter, in Washington, John and Gust, in this County: Christine and Caroline, in Sweden.

Mr. Hadford is a Republican and takes an interest in good government, especially so in schools and the general improvement and development in this section. Mr. Hadford is still the possessor of the quiet joys of the celibatarian and is content in his seclusion.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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