Although in 1902, the subject of this article came to Gifford, still he has been almost all his life in the various portions of the west, adjacent to Nez Perces County, and his integrity, his energy, his patriotism and progressive spirit entitle him to be numbered with the leading citizens of Gifford. At the present time, Mr. White is engaged in handling a stock of papers and paints, occupying a portion of Clayton’s hardware store. He is a practical house decorator and a man of excellent tastes and so leads in this line of enterprise.
John W. White was born in Oskaloosa, Iowa, on February 13, 1859, being the son of Alva and Rebecca (Burton) White. The father died when John was two years of age. The mother was a native of Kentucky and died in Yolo comity, California, in 1887, aged sixty-five.
Our subject was reared in Iowa until eighteen and then went to Sacramento county, California, whither the rest of the family had preceded him. He was two years in school and on the farm, then went to Tulare County, but returned to Sacramento. All told, he lived in California nineteen years. During this time, he learned the carpenter’s trade. Then a move was made to Sprague, Washington, and two years were spent in laboring as a carpenter. Following this, Mr. White removed to Kendrick and there resided for twelve years and then came the settlement in Gifford, as stated above. Mr. White has some fine residence property in Gifford. He has one residence on the hill, where he has bought two acres of land, which is one of the most tasty and handsomely arranged and decorated of any residence in the town.
Mr. White has the following brothers and sisters, George W.; William L.: Byron B.; Annie C. Elesy; Mary J. Allard; Ida; Clement. Mr. White has never seen fit to leave the contentment and quiet pleasure of his bachelor life for a venture on the stage of connubiality.
He is a man of sound principles, governed by discretion and wisdom and is entitled to and receives the confidence of all who know him.
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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903